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Spirit Wings Journey

SWA Campus

Ruby Alvarez, EARTH.

Ruby represents prayer and intercessors. Despite being the youngest on the team and having a tendency to worry excessively, she holds the team together.

Ruby earth with prayer rod
Sword of the Spirit

Earth - the hearts of men

Ruby Alavarez

Theme song 

Theme song Jordan Barnes
00:00 / 03:17
Ruby doorway in the spirit realm
Ruby look down
Ruby Alvarez face
Ruby Alvarez
Ruby Divine in the Spirit realm
Destiny time Analyst

Destiny Morris, WIND.

Destiny is a type of wisdom. While Jesse's passion causes him to act prematurely and Ruby overreacts to everything, Destiny maintains the team's focus and keeps everyone grounded and centered.  She is well-known for saying: "In the Fullness of Time".

Destiny wind  of theSpirit
Destiny Morris -SWA
Sword of the Spirit

Destiny Morris

Wind - Hearing the Lord

Sword of the Spirit

Jesse Logan

Jesse Logan - SWA
Jesse fire anointing

Jesse Logan, FIRE.

Jesse, a runaway from New York, is driven by passion, often leading to trouble. The girls on the team help Jesse a lot while he learns how to live in the light.  Jesse's favorite saying is "Let's Do This"!

Fire- passion
for the Lord

campus rebuild white mode
campus Spirit Wings Academy
Spirit Realm Ruby Destiny Jesse
Asher Angel  and pet horse
Asher Principality Angel
Sword of the Spirit

Spirit Wings Academy

Sword of the Spirit - blade of prophecy


Young Anton with Tiger Guardian Angel of Jesse
Promo poster clean copy 2024.png


Spirit Wings Productions is an LLC

for profit organization.

All rights are reserved and images and contents belong to the aforementioned LLC.

Please contact us for permission of use.

Spirit Wings Book Series
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